Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Analyze the performance, strength and weaknesses of your website

1. Quantcast ( - Quantcast provides publishers, marketers and agencies unmatched capabilities to measure, organize, discover and transact based on directly-measured traffic and inferred audience data

2. Compete’s( ranking is based on the stats of +2.000.000 US citizens – this means that Compete is not so accurate outside of US

3. Alexa ( is one of the first ranking websites with advanced data regarding target population, country rank and others. The problem with these statistics is that they are provided based on Alexa Toolbar. Again, this fact makes Alexa’s data inaccurate.

4. Builtwith ( This tools is quite complex – it shows you various information about your site or any particular site (technologies used, seo) and it helps you optimize your site. Very useful when you don’t know much about SEO.

5. TrackingGuru ( From my point, this is one of the most useful analysis site. TrackingGuru is a package of prominent tools to assist you to analyze the performance, strength and weaknesses of your website in order to achieve optimum business return. Tool is in Beta version and its free to use.

6. Dataopedia( is a web service that provides comprehensive information (50 different sources) about websites available on the Internet.

7. BizShark( is a direct competitor to Dataopedia. Both sites share the same concept and have similar information. You will have to decide which one suits you.

8. Quarkbase( is another site that gathers its info from multiple sources, but here is their definition: Quarkbase is the best way to find website information contributed by website owner, lover and the Internet Community.

9. Website Grader ( It has a great composition of information: social, seo, general info. It even gives you hints and a grade – to compare and further optimize your site.

10. Popuri ( This tools is a lightweight tool that gives you the most common ranks available on the web: Google Page Rank, Alexa Rank, Compete Rank, Technorati Rank etc.

11. FeedCompare( This website is useful when you want to compare your number of feed subscribers with the number of subscribers. For this you must have a FeedBurner account.

12. XinuReturns( is a tool that shows you pretty much everything – Google Page Rank, Yahoo Links, FeedBurner subscribers,Technorati, DMOZ etc. It is perfect for a fast small popularity analysis.

Happy Blogging !

Nitin Chauhan | |

1 comment:

  1. Hi! a great site valuation tool is . It provides competitive analysis for free and it seems to use the Alexa traffic information quite well.
