Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Google Latitude broadcast your location

Location-based services (LBS), which helps friends network and find each other based on their location. Google has its own LBS service as well with the name “Google Latitude”. Google Latitude is a location-aware mobile app developed by Google. Latitude allows a mobile phone user to allow certain people on to track their location. Via their own iGoogle accounts, the user's cell phone location is mapped on Google Maps. The user can control the accuracy and details of what each of the other users can see — an exact location can be allowed, or it can be limited to identifying the city only. For privacy, it can also be turned off by the user, or a location can be manually entered.

Google Latitude come up with its new feature on Location History. Whenever Google Latitude is on, it records your location, and you can go back to see where you’ve been.

Another new feature is location alerts. You can now get an alert anytime a friend of yours who allows you to see their location on Google Latitude is nearby. Alerts will come via email or SMS.

Happy Blogging !

Nitin Chauhan
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