Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Russian Plan For National Search Engine - How About YANDEX

Russian Government recently announce that they are looking to launch there own national search engine which can have better filtration of data and ensure the Safe access of Information.

The announcement bring some attention to Russian Search market.YANDEX hold approx 62% of the Search Market share of Russia. Some facts about YANDEX which definately bring attention is "Yandex is the world’s fastest growing search engine, with a massive 80% growth between December 09 and 10. Its popularity in Russia is mostly down to its in-depth and through knowledge of the “complexities and nuances of the Russian language”.

Yandex, like other ‘local’ search engines such as China’s Baidu, prefers sites hosted in Russia, with a Russian domain name i.e. .ru. In 2009 the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced its approval for the use of top level domain names i.e.com, .net, .ru, featuring non-Latin characters. This means that Russia’s most popular top level domain name can now be written in Cyrillic (‘.ru’ becomes ‘.рф’, which stands for ‘Rossiyskaya Federatsiya’ – Russian Federation). Yandex haven’t yet made it clear whether they are planning to hold preference to Cyrillic domain names, but if they do, it will have a huge effect on SEO practice in Russia.

Happy Blogging !

Nitin Chauhan
 | nitin@maximumhit.com | www.maximumhit.com

1 comment:

  1. I've read similar blog post that talks about the search engines, I read about the engine for the Swiss and it called Toot, now i read your post a search engine for the Russian. It a good news that lots of company implement's a program for helping consumer's, and for searching for a reliable Dentistas.
