Does Europeans and Americans still think that Indian technology sector as a nation of call centers workers or a low lever computer job worker like support engineer,database administrator,IT infra management etc.
Its time to wake up from the sleep as Indian IT morphed building into a giant R&D machine.There was a time when the Indian companies started with call centers and low level IT work but with the period of time the new face of Indian IT companies come up, who have climbed the value chain to become outsourced provider of critical R&D in sophisticated areas such as semiconductors design,network equipment,aerospace,automotive and medical devices.
Number of multinational companies are setting up there R&D departments in India and partnering the local giants. For example recently Intel in process to tie up with local Giants like Bharti Airtel, Reliance Communication or Tata Communication to bid telecoms spectrum which is going to be bid in January 2010.
Palm Pre smart phone and the Amazon Kindle, two of the hottest consumer electronics devices on the market, have key components designed in India.

Here are few more in Long list :-
• Intel designed its six-core Xeon processor in India
• IBM has over 100,000 employees in India.
• Cisco is developing cutting edge networking technologies for futuristic “intelligent cities”
• Google do lot of development work in India only.
• Adobe, Cadence, Oracle, CSC, Microsoft and most of the large software companies are developing mainstream products in India.
Now let’s see some of the Indian Multi National companies who are tackling the Global Market and give some major contribution in Global Market. Let start with automobile sector where TATA with its dirt cheap Nano car that the company is now positioning for a European market entry and Reva, which recently announced it was planning to build an electric car factory in New York state to address the U.S. market for electric vehicles.
- INDIAN origin TATA MOTORS is now the world largest automobile company.
- INDIAN origin BHARTI AIRTEL is now the world largest Mobile Service Provider.
- INDIAN origin Ambani Brothers, Sunil Mittal, Ajeem Premji are amount the top 10 Richest people in World.
In India start-ups companies are the new signs of life in technology entrepreneurship. Guys are really smart and Hungry, some of the companies are doing better than their silicon valley counterpart. If not all but many of the companies developing breakthrough technologies and solving problem where counterpart in silicon valley failed.
Here is an small example of tomorrow billionaire.. Mundane business of developing offset printer ink. Their ink is made from vegetable oil and is entirely bio-degradable. The offset printing industry consumes 1 million tons of petroleum products and emits 500,000 tons of volatile organic compounds every year. An IIT-Delhi incubated startup called EnNatura developed a printing ink which emits no volatile compounds and is washable. And the overall cost of their solution will be significantly less than all present compounds when produced at scale. Company like this growing into a billion dollar global business.

Interesting company was LiveMedia. This is an out-of-home advertising company that has 4,500 screens in 2,200 destinations with a total reach of 50 million people. Of course, you can find exactly these sorts of TV screens in thousands of places across the U.S. LiveMedia is in the process of building out a partnership with Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs India that would give the network even more interactive capabilities. Bell Labs has developed a content management and routing system, dubbed Mango, that makes it much easier and efficient to deliver high-bandwidth, high-quality video and interactive content over existing networks. In the developing world, everyone wants a TiVO-like capability to share, store and manage content. But existing GPRS or EDGE-based cell networks are not up to snuff. And the broadband infrastructure still lags behind that of the most developed telecom networks in places like Japan, Korea and Scandanavia. A product like Mango is tailor-made for VC investment to get it out of the lab and into a spin-off company.
Why so many U.S. venture capital shops have opened up branches in India. In fact, the two lead investors in LiveMedia are both U.S. venture capitalists including the respected Valley firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson. For example, in the first nine months of 2008, total early stage VC investments in India totaled $678 million, according to the Global India Venture Capital Association. In the U.S. over that same period early stage investments tallied $5.2 billion according to the U.S. National Venture Capital Association
The dynamics of entrepreneurship are the same in India as in America. Company founders usually come from the ranks of experienced business executives and are middle-aged. They get tired of working for others and want to make an impact and build wealth before they get too old. Given that there are now hundreds of thousands of R&D workers in India who are gaining valuable experience and are getting old, it is simply a matter of time before they begin to hatch their entrepreneurial plans. After all, their colleagues who migrated to the U.S. now start nearly one in six of Silicon Valley’s tech firms.
Source:www.techcrunch.comThanks and kind regards,
Nitin Chauhan |
nitin@maximumhit.com |