Tuesday, October 27, 2009

British economy Loosing £1.38bn for Twitter, FaceBook etc.

Social Media is what every business is looking for, here the surprise come out when British economy come up with some figure which claims the loss happens to British Economy because of Social Media.

The new survey has revealed that the popular sites are actually costing British businesses 1.38 billion pounds a year in wasted time. If this continue than figure will be much higher and become matter for Quick Action. In fact, according to the survey, more than half of office workers use the social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook for personal use during the working day, and admit wasting an average of 40 minutes a week each.

One in three of the 1,460 office workers surveyed also said they had seen sensitive company information posted on social networking sites, leading to fears about how workers use the Internet, 'The Daily Telegraph' reported.

Three quarters of the office workers surveyed said their employer had not given them any specific guidelines on how to use Twitter, but 84 per cent believed it should be up to them what they post online.

This is just an initial alarm for all employers before the chicken hatch. So COUNT YOUR CHICKENS BEFORE THEY HATCH !

Happy Blogging !

Nitin Chauhan
nitin@maximumhit.com | www.maximumhit.com


  1. I know this is also happening in my office so i have taken steps and now making sure that employees give me full out put for what they are getting paid.

  2. This could also be taken up as a boost in the working efficiency of employees, suppose you fix some interval where you allow people access to these sites..it has been observed these things help increase interst and efficiency..it would also prevent people from having to find their way out into these sites.
