Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fiesta Movement or Social Movement

Fiesta Movement or Social Movement –One of the Auto Giant Ford looking to up social media investment by 25 % ! Ford social media campaign has created 11 million social networking impressions; five million engagement where people sharing and receiving ; 11,000 videos booming social media network; 15,000 Tweets (not including re-tweets), 13,000 photos and over one million real-world miles by the 100 participants who drove the car.

Ford Motor Company is busting out of the recession depression with buzz around a Fiesta. Ford Fiesta around their state to market and build excitement for their new product. Each month the Fiesta drivers have to complete a specific mission (like driving until you run out of gas) and use social media sites, like: blogging, Facebooking, Youtubing and Tweeting to fan the and publicity around the new ford car.Ford’s “Fiesta Movement” builders Scott Monty’s understand the importance of authenticity and are out to give consumers honest and fair feedback.

Social media, as a marketing tool, is emerging rapidly, with a constant evolution of tools and strategies for building brands and sales.” Social Media become the most influential means of communication, and marketers are looking to own that too. Ford Motor has now created a case study of social media marketing strategies. A huge eye opener to how the consumer is slowly changing the barometers of marketing.

Ford Motors who have understood the value of social media and have changed strategy to leverage it. In India ford still moving up with traditional method of Marketing but the way Social Media is growing in India big Auto giants in India start looking for Social Media marketing in coming years.

Happy Blogging !
Nitin Chauhan | nitin@maximumhit.com | www.maximumhit.com

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