Monday, October 26, 2009

India the New E-Social Hub

Google Chrome the latest web browser is hitting India market hard for new users. Google use various mode of advertisement like Print Media, Electronic Media etc. to promote Google Crome in India.

Now Google catch the FaceBook to promote its Crome. The advertisement as well as the unofficial data says that Google Chrome is the most quickly developing browser in India. However, there has been no official data presented yet that could prove this.

It is also points out that Facebook is taking hold in India very fast and looking Indian market for further growth as recently Twitter tied up with Indian biggest as well as world biggest mobile service provider Bharti Airtel.

India is going to be e-social hub Soon as per the current evaluation !

Happy Blogging !

Nitin Chauhan
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information. Even i also use Google chrome and it is really fast and good to browse. Discuss more about google chorme on diganswers
